Information Session: Preparation for Adulthood (13th March)

  • Information Session: Preparation for Adulthood (13th March)

    • This session will be of interest to parents/carers of children & young people with SEND, who want to explore the transitions that come with preparation for adulthood. We will look at what you can expect to happen and when, and where to seek further support and guidance. We will look at transitions in education health and social care and we will use the transition guide in this session.

      No diagnosis required. Session not suitable for children. You must be a member of Sheffield Parent Carer Forum to attend – register here.

      Lunch is included, please let us know of any dietary requirements.

      • WHEN
      • 9:30am - 2:30pm Thursday 13th Mar 2025
      • Tickets
        • Adult: Free
        • WHERE
        The Learning Zone,
        320 Wordsworth Avenue ,
        Sheffield ,
        S5 8NL