
Review of non-statutory SEN transport suspended

29th January 2015

  • Sheffield City Council has been undertaking a review of the home-to-school transport arrangements for children and young people with disabilities and/or SEN  who live within the statutory walking distance (2 miles for pupils under 8 years old, or 3 miles for pupils aged 8-16 years).

    The Sheffield Parent Carer Forum challenged the validity of this review on the basis that the statutory guidance states that “usual transport requirements (e.g. the statutory walking distances) should not be considered when assessing the transport needs of children eligible due to SEN and/or disability.” (Dept. for Education, Home to School Travel and Transport Guidance, July 2014)

    We have now been informed by the Council that they have suspended their review and that they would like to apologise to the families currently in the review process who have taken the time to submit personal and/or medical information.

    If you have been affected by this review and want clarification about your child’s continued access to home-to-school transport, please contact Jill Siddall, IndeTravel Project Manager, on 0114 2053542.