
Introducing the Extended Support Plan (updated MyPlan)

6th April 2023

  • Council officers have been reviewing all of the paperwork used to support special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Sheffield. This includes the MyPlan, which has been updated and is now called the Extended Support Plan.

    The changes have been co-produced by professionals from health, education and social care with input from young people and families. They were made to ensure an increased focus on preparation for adulthood. School staff can continue to use the original MyPlan version if they wish.

    The Extended Support Plan covers the four key areas of preparation for adulthood (education, employment and training; health; community inclusion; and independence) and includes additional questions to help capture the voice of the young person and their family.

    Who is it for?

    Like the MyPlan, the Extended Support Plan is for learners on SEN Support who have significant needs – usually at level 3 or above on the Sheffield Support Grid. The Sheffield Support Grid is a local guidance document used by school staff and other professionals to ensure that learners with similar needs get a similar level of provision, regardless of where they go to school in Sheffield. More information

    The Extended Support Plan would also be beneficial for learners with an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan, in order to capture the smaller steps towards their longer-term outcomes that will be the focus for the academic year. It can also be used to show the learner’s journey and should be referred to often throughout the year.

    What other support documents are there?

    Learners with lower levels of need will usually have a Learner Profile (sometimes referred to as a one-page profile) with basic information about them, and/or a more concise Support Plan detailing short-term targets, interventions and outcomes.

    Learners with very high levels of need who require more support than a mainstream school can normally provide through existing resources will usually have an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan. More information

    How is the Extended Support Plan developed and reviewed?

    The Extended Support Plan must be developed in partnership with the young person and their parents and reflect their views and aspirations. It should also include key information from health and social care professionals. School staff are encouraged to use a person-centred toolkit developed by the National Development Team for Inclusion when planning with children, young people and their families.

    In accordance with the SEND Code of Practice, the Extended Support Plan should be reviewed with the young person and their parents at least three times a year.

    Sometimes a review may show that a learner has made less than expected progress even though the school has been doing all it can to understand and meet their needs. In this case, the school should request support from a locality panel. Each school is based in a locality, and each locality runs panel meetings where, with parental consent, children and young people can be discussed with colleagues to inform next steps.