Planning for the future – top tips for families

  • Planning for the future – top tips for families

    • Do you worry about what will happen to your disabled child or young person when you are no longer able to care or be involved? These worries can build up and become overwhelming. No one knows what the future holds, but there are lots of practical steps that families can take to start to prepare for the future – you’re probably already doing some of them without realising!

      Led by experienced case workers from the Sharing Caring Project, this session will provide you with practical tips and ideas of things your family can be doing to prepare for the future of the person you support.

      Booking essential.

      Funded by People’s Health Trust using money raised by Health Lottery Yorkshire and Humber.

      • WHEN
      • 10:30am - 12:30pm Thursday 20th Oct 2022
        • WHERE
        St Mary's Church and Community Centre,
        Bramall Lane,
        S2 4QZ