Short Breaks

Short Breaks

“Short breaks” is a term that describes a range of council-funded activities for disabled children. These allow children to have fun, try new experiences, gain independence and make new friends, whilst giving their parents a break from caring.

Unfortunately, many parents who could benefit from short breaks never apply for them. Some are not aware that these services exist, whilst others assume they wouldn’t be eligible. A fear of engaging with social care can also play a part. However, the majority of short break services can be accessed without the involvement of a social worker.

Below is an overview of what’s available, who it’s for, and how to apply. For more detailed information about short breaks, visit the Sheffield Local Offer website.

Short break services are for children who:

  • Live in Sheffield
  • Are under 18 years old
  • Have a disability which has a significant impact on their family and home life

There are many different types of short break services:

Universal clubs are clubs which any child may attend, such as youth clubs, Brownies, swimming or football clubs. They can take place after school, at weekends or during the school holidays. If your child needs extra support to attend, then SNIPS can help by providing training or mentoring for staff, or funding to increase staff capacity.
Age group: 5-17 years
Access: By completing a SNIPS application form

Contracted (specialised) clubs cater for disabled children only. They are commissioned by Sheffield City Council and run on weekends, after school and during the school holidays.
Age group: 5-17 years
Access: By completing a SNIPS application form

Befriending is one-to-one support (usually short term) for young people who may be at risk or are unsafe when accessing their local community and cannot attend a group setting.
Age group: 11-17 years
Access: Via a “Signs of Safety” well-being assessment carried out by SNIPS

Overnight respite takes place in either a residential home or with a foster carer.
Access: Via a social worker assessment. Contact SNIPS for a referral.

Direct Payments are monthly payments made to families in place of a short break service. Families use this money to pay for things outlined in their support plan, e.g. by employing a personal assistant (PA) to look after their child, paying for activities etc. A Direct Payment Support Service is available to help with setting up Direct Payments and can provide ongoing advice and support.
Age group: 0-17 years
Access: Via a “Signs of Safety” well-being assessment carried out by SNIPS

The Short Break Grant is a one-off annual payment of up to £400 per family. Parents can use the grant to pay for activities, e.g. a gym membership for themselves, family days out, childcare, a cinema pass etc. The grant is not available to families who already receive another form of short break service. It has to be applied for every year and is the only short break service that is means-tested.
Age group: 0-17 years
Access: Via an application form. You must undertake a household income assessment first. Visit the Council website for more information.

SNIPS stands for Special Needs Inclusion Playcare Service. It is a council-run service that supports disabled children to access mainstream and specialist clubs, befriending support and Direct Payments. Parents can contact SNIPS by calling the Children with Disabilities Team on 0114 273 5368 and asking to be transferred to SNIPS, or by emailing