Transition to adulthood
Transition to adulthood
Our Articles
- Get help with your child’s transition to adult social care Sheffield City Council has a dedicated social care team to support young people with the transition into adulthood. The Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) team consists of 15 workers and two managers. It is part of the Adult Future Options Service, the social care service that supports people with disabilities and additional needs. The PfA team was previously split into the Preparation for Adulthood (PAT) Team and the Transitions Team, but merged in August 2023.
- Planning for the future Do you worry about what will happen to your disabled child when you are no longer able to care or be involved? The “Carers Together” team at Sheffield Mencap has over 15 years of experience of supporting the carers of people with a learning disability and/or autism. We asked them for some practical steps that families can take to start preparing for the future. Here’s what they told us.
Links and Downloads
Guide to Wills and Trusts (2014)
Published by the National Autistic Society for family carers of people with autism, but relevant for anyone who cares for a person with a learning disability.
Banking Made Clear (2012)
An information pack for people with learning difficulties, published by Barclays.
16-19 Bursary Fund
Students aged 16-19 can apply for a Bursary Fund to help with the cost of books, equipment, transport and lunch. There are two types of bursaries: one is for students from low-income families (discretionary bursary), the other is for students who get specific benefits (vulnerable student bursary); this includes students in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance and DLA or PIP.
Post-16 learning and training opportunities (2017)
This guide has been compiled by Sheffield City Council. It contains information about post-16 provision for students with special educational needs and disabilities in Sheffield.
14-25 Transitions Guide (2017)
Written by Sheffield Parent Carer Forum, this booklet gives parents an overview of the key events and dates in their son or daughter’s transition to adult services from Year 9 onwards.