
Are you a kinship carer?

10th May 2024

  • Kinship is a national charity that works with all kinship carers – grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, family friends – who are caring for children when their parents can’t. They have created an online information, advice and support hub called Kinship Compass. Kinship run free online workshops for kinship carers, including a workshop specifically about Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans and the processes for accessing SEN Support in school.

    Fancy meeting up in person?

    • Kinship run a support group for kinship carers in Sheffield. It meets every three weeks on a Tuesday morning (10.30am-12.30pm) at Meersbrook Park United Reformed Church on Chesterfield Road. Some sessions feature speakers on topics like SEN Support, legal issues and local support, others are for sharing concerns and supporting each other. See their website for more information, or contact group leader Janet on 07969297870 /
    • Our SPCF subgroup for adoptive, kinship and foster carers meets at least once a term. The aim of the group is to share information and give feedback on services. See the Events section of this website for meeting dates.