Bloom: New SEND provision at the Sheffield College
17th October 2024
The Sheffield College has launched a new offer for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) at its Peaks and Hillsborough Campuses.
The provision is aimed at 16-to-24-year-olds with high support needs who are working at Entry Level 1 or below and need help with acquiring life skills. Most will have an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan, but this is not essential.
Around 100 students started at Peaks in September 2024, and another 100 learners are currently accessing Bloom provision at the Hillsborough Campus. Capacity at Peaks is set to increase to 300 students by 2026/27.
Peaks Campus has been refurbished and now boasts quiet spaces, a sensory room, an independent living suite, an accessible gym and wet rooms.
There are plans to co-locate a range of health services and community organisations at Peaks Campus. Seven Hills special school already has a base there.
Students can choose from a variety of courses, which focus on developing key life and employability skills. These courses cater for a range of needs and abilities and usually take one or two years to complete. Students attend for four days per week, with an optional fifth day of enrichment activities, tailored to the student’s wishes.
Students are able to try out a range of vocational subjects, such as drama, catering, horticulture and animal care. Those who already have a strong interest in a specific subject will be supported to pursue this further, e.g. by attending taster sessions within the main college.
Supported work placements form a key part of the offer, and a dedicated member of staff will help place students with local employers.
The College also employs an independent travel trainer who will coach students to travel safely to and from college, between campuses, and to work placements.
For more information, please visit the Sheffield College website. You can also attend an open day on 24 October 2024.
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