
Celebrating a local treasure

9th January 2024

  • Zoe Burgar (pictured, left) has been announced as the winner of our annual David Woodhouse Community Award.

    The award is funded from donations made in memory of David Woodhouse. David was the husband of Deborah Woodhouse (pictured, right), a former trustee and one of SPCF’s founding members.

    Zoe received the award in recognition of her work with Hillsborough Hornets, a disability football club for young people aged 12 to 16 years. Her official role is Treasurer – but from what we’ve heard, she spends at least as much time welcoming and supporting the young players and their parents as she does poring over financial data!

    Zoe received a trophy, a cheque for £250 and vouchers for a spa experience and a meal.

    Presenting the award, Forum trustee Jayne Woodward said: “Zoe works tirelessly to create a welcoming and supportive environment for the children, young adults and families that are part the Hornets community. It is so important for our families to be able to access clubs like the Hornets, and Zoe’s enthusiasm and passion for the club is very evident. Zoe is a worthy winner of the 2023 award.”

    The award is presented annually, and the next round of nominations will open in October 2024.