Changes to SEND funding in mainstream schools
17th October 2024
Sheffield City Council is changing the way in which top-up funding for pupils with Education Health and Care (EHC) plans is allocated to mainstream schools. Going forward, EHC plans will be assigned to funding bands, and mainstream schools will receive money from the local authority based on these bands.
(An EHC plan is a legally binding document, issued by the local authority. It describes a child’s educational, health and social care needs and sets out the additional support required to meet those needs. More information)
How will the local authority decide on a funding band for each pupil?
The local authority will be using a digital tool for this. Inclusion Officers from SENDSARS (the team in the Council that deals with EHC plans, annual reviews and specialist placements) will complete a needs profile for each mainstream pupil with an EHC plan. They will use information from the EHC plan and the most recent annual review for those with existing plans. For pupils with new plans, they will use information gathered during the needs assessment.
The tool includes a form with levels of need under different headings, such as communication, behaviour, independence, emotional wellbeing, dealing with change etc.
The levels selected for each pupil will determine their funding band. SENDSARS will have meetings with schools to check that the bands allocated are correct and make changes as necessary. For example, this may be needed if an EHC plan is out of date. If SENDSARS officers feel that they don’t have enough information about a pupil, they will contact the school.
Does SENDSARS have enough capacity to do this?
Yes. There are around 2,000 pupils with EHC plans in mainstream schools. Each member of staff will complete around five or six needs profiles per week between September 2024 and March 2025, and they will spend around 20 minutes on each profile.
When will the new model be implemented?
The new funding model will apply straight away to all mainstream pupils with new EHC plans that were issued after 2 September 2024. The first payment to schools will be in January 2025.
From September 2025 onwards, it will also apply to mainstream pupils with existing EHC plans.
Funding arrangements for pupils in special schools, integrated resources, post-16 settings and Early Years settings will remain unchanged for the time being.
Will parents be informed which funding band their child has been allocated?
No, and it won’t be written into their child’s EHC plan, either. But your child’s school should give you that information if you ask for it.
Could a child’s funding band change over time?
Yes. For example, if an annual review shows that there has been a significant change of needs, then this will trigger a review of the child’s funding band.
Does the funding allocated to a specific pupil have to be spent ONLY on that pupil?
No, and this is a bit complicated. The local authority is responsible for ensuring that the provision described in section F of an EHC plan is made. It partially discharges that duty by giving SEND funding to schools. Schools can use that funding to make the provision described in the way they consider most effective. This means that the school uses the funding as a total amount across all of the pupils that it applies to. For example, they might use it to employ a Teaching Assistant to work with a group of pupils.
What should parents do if a school tells them that they have to reduce support for their child due to lack of funding?
SEND funding for mainstream schools in Sheffield is increasing overall. However, there is a small chance that some schools may receive less SEND funding than previously. If a school believes that the funding band allocated to a specific pupil is incorrect, they should talk to the local authority about this. If you believe that the provision described in your child’s EHCP is not being made, you should discuss this with the school first. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, contact SENDSARS (0114 2736394 / sendassess&
What are the plans for pupils with SEND who don’t have an EHC plan?
Schools currently receive funding for pupils with SEND from the government and from the local authority. In Sheffield, the local authority element is allocated by localities; that is, groups of schools that are close to each other and work together. The local authority is currently looking at different options for allocating this funding from September 2025 onwards.
Do you have questions or concerns about support for your child with SEND? SSENDIAS offers free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support to children and young people with SEND and their parents. Visit their website for more information.
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