Forum welcomes 2,000th member
13th May 2019
TAGS members
We have reached an important milestone by signing up our 2,000th member. This makes us one of the largest parent carer forums in the country! The 2,000th member is Carmel, who lives in Waterthorpe with her partner Nick and their three children.
Carmel said: “I am very touched to be the 2,000th member. We discovered the Forum via social media and a pop-up stall at the Ryegate Children’s Centre whilst attending a review appointment there.”
All of Carmel’s children have additional needs, and all go to different schools. James (9) has epilepsy, autism and severe learning difficulties and attends an integrated resource unit. Chloe (7) has learning difficulties and attends a mainstream school. Rosie (5) has autism, severe learning difficulties and sensory processing needs and attends a special school.
Clearly, Carmel has a lot on her plate, and we are pleased to be able to help her through signposting and peer support. Carmel said: “I find Sheffield Parent Carer Forum a great place for an informed chat about support we may need and to meet other parents with children with similar needs. They also advertise specialised activities and events that have been differentiated appropriately so our children can access them.”
Membership is free for parent carers and professionals; to join, please fill in the membership form.
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