Short Break Grants available now
12th August 2015
Sheffield City Council have re-launched their popular short break grant scheme. Parents of disabled children and young people (aged 0-19) can once again apply for a one-off payment of up to £400 per family.
The money can be used for anything that gives parents a break from their caring responsibilities. For example, you could use it to fund day trips, a gym membership, cinema tickets, a carer to support your child to access an activity, etc.
The deadline for applications is 29 January 2016, and the money must be spent by 31 March 2016. Please note, you cannot claim for an activity (e.g. summer holiday) that has already taken place before the date of your application.
Families are eligible for a grant if:
- The parent/carer is a Sheffield resident and Sheffield City Council has a responsibility for the disabled child/young person (e.g. education) AND
- The disabled child/young person receives the high rate care or high rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) OR
- The family received a short break grant last year as a result of submitting an Additional Information Form which is less than 12 months old OR
- The family already receives another form of assessed short break, e.g. residential provision, direct payments, SNIPS
If none of these conditions applies you may still be eligible, but will need to ask a professional who knows your family (e.g. GP or Health Visitor) to provide additional information.
If you received the Short Break Grant last year, you will automatically be sent an application form.
However, you can also download the application form and the guidance notes by clicking on the link below. It is advisable to read the guidance notes before filling in the form. Please allow six weeks after submitting your application before enquiring about progress.
Download the application form
Download the guidance notesDo you have questions, or would you like to have a hardcopy of the application form posted out to you? Please contact SENDIAS on 0114 273 6009 or by email to
Do you care for an ADULT (aged 18+) for 35 or more hours per week? Then you can apply for a “Time for Me” grant of up to £200. More information
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