
Timescales for transition 2013

1st November 2012

  • Sheffield City Council recently consolidated the admissions processes for mainstream and specialist schools. They now use just one admissions form and one set of application deadlines for everyone.

    Application deadlines
    Transition to infant or junior school: 9 December 2012 (online), 15 January 2013 (paper)
    Transition to secondary school: 17 October 2012 (online), 31 October 2012 (paper)

    Allocation dates
    If your child has a statement of special educational needs (SEN)
    Proposed amended statements naming the school (mainstream, special or IR) that your child has been allocated will be sent out in January 2013. Final amended statements must be issued by the following dates:
    Transition to junior or secondary school: 15 February 2013
    Transition to infant school: 28 March 2013

    If your child does NOT have a statement of SEN
    You will find out which school your child has been allocated by the following dates:
    Transition to infant or junior school: 16 April 2013
    Transition to secondary school: 1 March 2013

    Please note that parents of statemented children are asked to name their preferred secondary school as part of the Transition Meeting in Y5. This is to help the local authority with place planning. Parents still have to submit a formal application when their child is in Y6.

    The booklet “Stepping Stones to Transition”, which was developed in consultation with the Sheffield Parent Carer Forum, contains useful information about the transition process and details of all special schools in Sheffield. Please note, however, that some of the information given in the booklet is now slightly out of date (particularly the dates on page 12/13).