Tag: short breaks
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15th June 2020
Sheffield City Council is now accepting applications for the Short Break Grant. The purpose of the grant is to give parent carers a break from their additional caring responsibilities. You can apply for up to £400 per family.
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16th September 2019
Sheffield City Council is now accepting applications for the Short Breaks Grant. You can apply for up to £400 per family. The deadline for applications is 31 January 2020, and the activity must have taken place and the grant must be spent before 31 March 2020.
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24th July 2017
- Families with disabled children and young people aged 0-19 in Sheffield can now apply for the Short Break Grant - a one-off grant payment of up to £400 per family.
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22nd August 2016
- Families with disabled children and young people aged 0-19 can once again apply for a Short Break Grant - a one-off payment of up to £400 per family.
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